Herrenberg Riesling Auslese
The location:
The Herrenberg is certainly one of the most famous locations in Mittelhaardt. Its special climatic position is based on the south-east orientation of the vineyards. In addition, it is located on the slopes of a hill parallel to the Palatinate Forest, which means that it escapes any influence of cold air.
The wine:
Only grapes with a certain amount of noble rot were selected for this sweet wine. Aroma and flavor are concentrated in these grapes in a very special way. As a result, the resulting wines are particularly long-lived.
The 2019 Riesling Auslese from Ungsteiner Herrenberg shows fine aromas of mango, lychee and star fruit. When you taste the wine, you are initially surprised by the inspiring freshness of the wine. A complex, fruity body is followed by an incredibly long finish. A sign of a great wine.

Dessert (z.B. Lycheesorbet)

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